Why Every Truck Driver Needs a SmartDrive Camera

Technology has revolutionized the way we work in just about every industry in the world. Truck driving is no exception. In fact, one particular area in which technological advancements have proven to be incredibly beneficial is in the widespread use of dash cameras, in particular, the SmartDrive Safety. Not only have these small devices made driving a truck safer by providing insight to prevent future collisions, but they’re also valuable in the event of accident reconstruction and associated liability.

One only needs to view the following video footage, which shows a passenger vehicle making a left turn directly into the path of an oncoming semi-truck. Because the truck driver in question had a SmartDrive Safety installed on his vehicle, the collision was captured and documented, and can now be used to demonstrate the importance of sharing the road and other safe driving tips. 

Now, let’s take a look at a few of the many benefits SmartDrive Safety cam can provide to a truck driver.

Accident Resolution – In the past, when a passenger vehicle collided with a truck, it was incredibly difficult to prove who was at fault. And, unfortunately, given the amount of damage a semi can inflict on a small car or SUV, the blame often shifted to the truck driver, regardless of who actually caused the accident. With a SmartDrive Safety, the entire incident can be reviewed and a more accurate assignment of fault can be reached.

Safety – Many dash cams feature the option to keep them in stand-by mode, through which they can be triggered by motion or movement. This can be incredibly helpful in the event of a hit-and-run accident or should someone attempt to break into your vehicle.

Evidence/Confirmation – Sometimes conflicts arise that bring into question the actions or claims of a particular driver. For instance, an employer or dispatcher may question whether a driver’s claims of poor weather conditions are the real reason he or she is not meeting quota or staying on schedule. SmartDrive Safety can eliminate this question and provide proof, facilitating a more trusting relationship between all parties.

Lower Operating Costs — Because the SmartDrive provides customized feedback, drivers are able to adjust their driving style and drive more efficiently. Safer, fuel-efficient driving can save drivers and fleets up to 10%  in fuel savings while simultaneously reducing maintenance expenses.

These are just a few of the many benefits a SmartDrive Safety can have on the safety and security of a truck driver.

As a truck driver, your reputation and your ability to provide for your family are critical. By investing in a dash cam or SmartDrive Safety, you can protect your career and ensure a safer and more efficient and productive working environment for yourself and others. For more truck driving industry news, tips and advice, check out our blog or contact us today.