7 Tips for Truck Drivers to Get Enough Sleep on the Road

7 tips for truck drivers jobs in Nashville, TN

Sleep is important. It can be difficult to prioritize a full eight hours of sleep when you are on the job, but that doesn’t make proper rest any less beneficial. Sleep helps us feel better and stay healthier, but it also helps us perform the duties of our jobs.

Most people have experienced driving while feeling tired. This is sometimes an unfortunate and unavoidable aspect of life. The prevalence of this state of driving doesn’t negate how dangerous it can be.

In fact, drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving.

Our reaction time slows down when we’re tired. This can be very dangerous on the road, particularly if you’re working transportation jobs in Nashville.

Every driver should be aware of how awake they are before they head out on the road. This is a little more dire for truckers since that’s where you spend a large portion of your day.

This is why we’ve put together 7 tips to help truck drivers get enough sleep while they’re on the road.

  1. Block Out All Light
  2. Also Block Out Noise
  3. Invest in Comfortable Bedding
  4. Choose a Good Parking Spot
  5. Watch Your Diet
  6. Give Yourself Time to Wind Down
  7. Listen to Your Body

1. Block Out All Light

Truck drivers are often forced to pull over and try to sleep in busy areas such as rest stops, onramps, or other parking lots. These areas can be quite bright which makes it more difficult to sleep. And even if you fall asleep, a passing truck or car can wake you up.

Block out your windows or wear a sleep mask to keep these disturbances from waking you throughout the night. A continued sleep is going to be the most beneficial.

2. Also Block Out Noise

Along those lines, do your best to block out any noise as well. Others opening and closing their doors, passing vehicles, or people speaking to each other can make it very difficult to get a good rest.

Bring along earplugs and wear them while you sleep. And if that’s uncomfortable, you can bring along a white noise machine to drown out surrounding sounds. This will also help you stay asleep for longer periods of time which will result in a more restful sleep.

Visit M&W Transportation to learn more about our transportation jobs in Nashville, TN.

3. Invest in Comfortable Bedding

All sleeping quarters are not created equal. A comfortable pillow, blanket, and mattress can make a huge difference in your nightly sleep. A sleeper cab doesn’t need to be as nice as your bedroom back home, but there are simple considerations that can be made to make it much more comfortable.

Be mindful of your choices for bedding. A comfortable place to lie down will give you something to look forward to at the end of a long day.

4. Choose a Good Parking Spot

The area you pull over to sleep requires a delicate balance between safety and privacy. You don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you open yourself up to a potential crime, but you also don’t want to climb into bed in a noisy and busy area.

Try to find an area that is in view of other people so your likelihood of being targeted by a thief is lowered. A covered area is also beneficial in that it can block wind and keep your truck from shaking all night.

5. Watch Your Diet

The foods we eat near bedtime can have an effect on our sleep. You want to avoid spicy food or anything that is too greasy. These foods can trigger acid reflux which makes it very difficult to fall asleep.

Caffeine is often a great help to truckers, but be mindful of how much you drink in the afternoon or evening. It can stay in your system from three to five hours.

6. Give Yourself Time to Wind Down

Take some time before turning in for the night to relax. This includes time spent away from your phone or TV. These screens activate your brain and make it difficult to slow them down enough to fall asleep.

Reading is a great way to relax your mind and body before turning in for the night. Find something you enjoy that doesn’t require looking into a bright light.

7. Listen to Your Body

It’s tempting to push through any tiredness, especially if you are working a transportation job. We need to focus on our work, afterall. However, this can be detrimental to your health and dangerous to everyone on the road.

It can also lead to a state of being over-tired, which again makes it more difficult to sleep. Try to pull over when you’re feeling tired, even if it’s for a short nap. These can be very restorative and set you up for a safe drive the rest of the day.

Contact M&W Transportation for transportation jobs in Nashville, TN.