So, You Want to Become a Truck Driver?

Tractor Trailer Truck for new Truck Driver jobs in Nashville, TN

Did you know that there are 3.5 million truck drivers in the US? With that in mind, if you’re looking for a career change or a new start, truck driving may be the role built for you! Most truck drivers thrive on independence, love visiting new places, and have a passion for the road.

Working in the trucking industry can be quite fulfilling for many, as you will likely have the opportunity to travel at your own pace, almost anywhere. Plus, to have a truck driving career, you don’t need to spend four years taking full-time college courses. However, there are still a couple things you’ll need to keep in mind in order to jumpstart your career.

A good truck driver should have these qualities:

  • Reliability
  • A Self-sufficient Nature
  • A Courteous Rapport
  • Basic Mechanical Skills
  • Stress Management Skills
  • The Ability to Pay Attention to Detail and Stay Alert
  • An Excellent Driving Record

How to become a professional truck driver:

  • Operation Requirements
  • Obtain a CDL
  • Find Your Dream Position

Operation Requirements

If you’ve decided truck driving is the role for you, you’ll want to make sure you meet government requirements in order to drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle and be hired by a professional company.

The general US requirements are:

  • Be at least 21 years old to drive across state lines.
  • Have a clean driving record and solid work history.
  • Pass a background check.
  • Have a non-commercial driver’s license.

However, each state is different! Depending on the state you live in, or intend to work, there may be other requirements that you need to be aware of. Make sure you check out your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles website to become familiar with your state’s specific commercial driving rules and regulations.

Learn more about Drive M&W’s driver requirements and benefits!

Obtain a CDL

The next step to take in landing your dream job is to earn your proper certifications. To become a truck driver anywhere in the US, you will be required to earn a CDL. To obtain a commercial driving license certification, you will have to attend a truck driving school, pass a drug and alcohol test, undergo a physical and provide proper documentation.

Typically, to obtain your CDL, you’ll likely have to spend about $3,000-6,000 dollars on truck driving school. However, there are various programs available that offer other solutions if this price feels too expensive for you.

Usually three-week courses, these classes will have you spending most of your time either in the classroom or on the road. Before getting behind the wheel, you’ll be required to learn the ins and outs of the pre-trip inspection procedure, logbook keeping, and federal motor carrier regulations. You will also learn how to properly load your truck, as well as keep track of your progress.

Generally during your three-week course, you’ll be in a commercial vehicle on the highway within the first week. Here, you’ll learn everything from driving and shifting to up-shifting and down-shifting. Similarly to when you obtain your non-commercial drivers license, you’ll be taken on a few smaller highways at first, and then eventually given more road to roam. Once you finish your course and pass your certification tests, you’ll be able to start looking for your dream job and begin reaping the rewards of your new career.

Find Your Dream Position

After you’ve completed your certification courses and earned your commercial driver’s license, you’ll have access to various trucking jobs with a wide variety of transportation companies. Before you begin applying, make sure you meet the requirements of the specific company you are applying to along with your state requirements. Many companies may have differing wants and needs to what you can provide.

Prior to starting employment at most transportation companies, you will have to pass a drug and alcohol screening. This is simply due to the fact that you will be in charge of heavy machinery and commercial vehicles on the regular. In addition to drug screenings, you will likely be required to share your work history as well as pass a background check. Before applying to your dream position, ensure that you have all the proper certifications or background history needed for each company guidelines.

While no career is ever perfect, the trucking industry is built to support and uplift it’s truckers. With many advantages to an independent traveler, truck driving has become a fulfilling profession for many. If any of the points above spoke to you, you could become a great truck driver.

If you’re ready to jumpstart your trucking career, connect with our team of recruiters or apply at Drive M&W today.